Year 1
[Cut-Scene - 1: Celso Flores sits in Manny's office, waiting. Manny, dressed as a grim reaper enters, apologising for keeping the man waiting. He offers Celso different packages of travelling to the Ninth Underworld, but Celso's life has not been great, so he cannot afford any of them. Manny sells him a walking stick from the Excelsior line and wishes him a good trick.]
You will start in the town of El Marrow, in your office as Manny Calavera. Open the message
tube in front of you and read the work order. It says that Manny must go to the Poisoning to pick up some new clients. Pick up the deck of cards on your other desk, then leave. Use the deck of cards in the hole punch on Eva's desk. Enter the lift to the left of the normal one.
Find your driver
Go to the corner to the little shack and talk to Glottis. Ask him to be your driver, and when the
time comes say "You're not too big -- The cars are too small." He will then agree to be your
driver, but as longs as he can modify your car, which is the Bone Wagon. He will give you a
work order. Go to the ground floor of the building.
Walk around to the alley beside the building. Climb up the rope made of clothes/handkerchiefs and enter the window once at the top. Look at the computer in the corner and change the automatic response to "Aw cripes, Eva! Just sign it yourself, will ya? I'm busy!" Exit the office and return to ground level. Go to the tents near the carnival. Pick up some bread from the leftmost
of the two tents and talk to the clown near the other one. Get him to make you two dead worm balloon animals, and one cat animal. Return to the building and give the work order to Eva.
[Cut-Scene - 2: Eva signs the work order and Glottis is seen making adjustments to the Manny's car. Manny is driven to the Land of the Living to pick up a new client. He meets Domino along the way.]
Once you regain control of Manny, you will be in the Land of the Living. Use your scythe on the package in front of you.
[Cut-Scene - 3: Glottis, Manny and Bruno arrive in the Department of Death, and Glottis asks if he can change the car a bit. Manny airily agrees. Bruno doesn't qualify for
anything better than being packed in a coffin with foam for four years. Don Copal
enters soon and tells Manny that he must make a Premium Sale before the next Sales
Report or else he's fired.]
Finding a better client
Once you regain control, head to the lobby. Go to the packing storeroom. Use one of the
balloons with the red tube, and the other with the blue. Return to your office and put both
balloons in the messaging server. The server will get messed up when the two chemicals
combine, clogging up the machine with foam. Go to the lobby and enter the opposite room to
the one with the packing material tubes in them. Pick up the fire extinguisher and talk to the red demon guy. When you're done talking to him, use the lock switch (small grey wheel).
Leave. Re-enter after the demon has left and open the door. Use the holed card with the
[Cut-Scene 4 - Manny is shown in the elevator of the DoD, and Glottis unveils his
upgraded DOD car. They drive back to the Land of the Living and nearly ram Domino
off the road along the way. Mercedes Colomar is introduced, and discovers that she did not make it and has died.]
[Cut-Scene - 5 Manny is berated for what has been done to the company car and for
what he has done to Meche. Manny gets locked up in a jail-like area.]
Knock on the door. While talking to the guy who answers, speak bitter about the Department of Death. Once you have done enough, he will let you out.
[Cut-Scene - 6: Salvador Limones speaks to the hidden camera outside the DOD
and introduces Manny to the Lost Souls' Alliance. Eva is inside, and Salvador
tells how he used to be a reaper like Manny was, but he uncovered conspiracies
in the system and decided to form the LSA to unveil them.]
Helping Salvador & Eva
Talk to Salvador when you regain control, talk to Salvador and leave when he lets you. Climb up the rope of ties when you are outside again. Walk past Don's window, which is around the corner, and enter. Open the drawer and pick up the coral inside. Walk past the desk and hit the
punching bag thrice and pick up the mouthpiece when it falls on the ground. Leave. Go to the
rope of ties. Pick up the loose end and put the coral on it. Use the rope with the ladder. Walk
around the corner and up the next ladder.
Walk to the vent. Use the cat balloon on it, and after, use some bread on it. Wait for some
birds to come over, and soon after, they will all leave. Pick up some eggs from the other
air vent.
Return to the ground. Enter the large door near the tie-rope. Go to Glottis's office. Use the
mouthpiece with the auto-body repair liquid. Use the mouthpiece without facing anything.
Return outside and use the blue eye. Give the eggs to Salvador, and use the mouthpiece with
[Cut-Scene - 7: You will be shown a pathway underground by Salvador Limones. Upon exiting, you will find yourself at the edge of the Petrified Forest.]
Walk towards the screen. You will find Glottis. He has been fired too. In his rage, he tears out
his own heart and throws it into the woods. He then falls asleep.
[Cut-Scene 8: Some flying insects crowd around Glottis' heart.]
Glottis heart
Follow the heart into the woods and walk to the web. Pick up a bone from the nearby pile and
put the bone in the web. Use your scythe with the web. Return to where Glottis is. Pick up his
heart and put it back in him.
[Cut-Scene - 9: Domino talks to an important-looking stranger. Domino says he will go
find Meche, but the man does not believe him. He eventually sprouts Don Copal, as he was the leader of the operation. The man sends Domino to get Manny from his
imprisonment to be sprouted also]
*NOTE*: Being sprouted is the act of killing someone in the Land of the Dead. It
involves shooting someone, with plants sprouting from the bullets.
Modify the car
Glottis will ask you to take a spin in the car. Do so. Drive to the right and stop at the factory-like place. This next part is pretty tough, but it has to be done. You will notice if you drive over the
pipes with the wheelbarrow, one of them will stop. You have to mess around in such a way that the magnets on each side of the tree clink simultaneously. Once they have, flick the switch.
When Glottis climbs onto the tree, turn it back on again. Glottis will be able to modify the car to drive over the rocky path.
[Cut-Scene 10: Glottis adds the acquired stilts to the Bone Wagon, claiming they will
now soar like "Eagles... on pogo sticks!".]
The Gates Key
Return to the previous screen and pick up the road sign. Bring it to the top left side of the
screen. Plant it in various places. There is certain place where it must be planted. It will spin
around and point in the direction of where it's supposed to go. The correct position is roughly in the middle of the screen. Once you've got it in the right place, it will point downwards, and a
trapdoor will spring up. Go inside. Look at the sign in the foreground. Pick up the key. Open the lock, and Glottis will drive over the dam and through the forest.
[Cut-Scene 11: Manny and Glottis arrive outside Rubacava. Manny enters the town to
try discovering if Meche has come through Rubacava yet.]
Arrival to Rubacava
Walk up the stairs and walk in to the fog on the right.
[Cut-Scene 12: Manny will loose his footing in the fog and fall over the cliff and into the water. The sea captain will find him and dump him back in town.]
He will go down to talk with Glottis about his car. Enter the restaurant up the stairs. Talk with
Celso until you get a picture of his wife. Give the picture to the sea captain at the bottom of town and he will give you a logbook, explaining that Celso's wife has left Rubacava without him.
Bring the logbook to Celso and he will run off after her, trying to catch up.
[Cut-Scene - 13: Manny starts mopping the floor of the restaurant and the "One
Year Later" sign flashes, and we find Manny, a year older now owns a casino and
is out on the balcony smoking.]
Year 2

From the balcony, head back inside. Pick up
the letter on the table from Salvador on the
table and read it. Use your desk, and pick a
winner for the roulette tables below. Return
downstairs to where Glottis is playing the
Before you can leave the hall, however, Lupe will speak to you. Tell her to get back to work and then enter the area with Glottis inside.
Pick up the golden liquor on the bar. Head
down to the ledge overlooking the docks, which lies down the steps.
[Cut Scene - 14: Meche appears to be on the ledge, telling how she has been alone for
the past year, eventually getting mad at Manny. When 'she' turns around, it is really just a bird. Manny goes to the set of binoculars that the bird was sitting and looks through
it, following the bird. Meche is seen boarding a ship with Domino. Manny runs to the
docks to try catch up and board the ship, but when he grasps onto the rails, Meche
looks out and knocks him off the ship with a bottle of champagne.]
Talk to the man standing behind you, Captain Velasco. Ask about how you will get to Puerto
Zampata to catch up to Meche. He will say that the Limbo is the only ship that travels there
regularly, but it is a cargo ship. Glottis could be used in the engine room, and there is a
position for someone like Manny, though Naranja has already taken it.
Fake union card - VIP Pass
Return to Calavera's Cafe and talk to Chowchilla Charlie. Ask about printing up fake union
cards, and return to where Glottis is. Give him the VIP Pass you received and head to the Cat
Track (Top level of town, go straight, take no turns and go down the stairs at the end of the path)
Metal Detector
Before entering, however, go up the section of stairs on the left. Talk to Carla. Drink your
golden flake liquor and walk through the metal detector, making sure to do it before Manny
belches up the flakes. You will have to go into the back after Carla can't find what is setting the alarm off.
Once inside, Carla will start talking about her youth. Say "Hey, Carla. That's an awfully nice
metal detector you have", and then confess about only wanting to ask about that. She will toss it out the window.
Go to the cat litter room and pick up the can opener. Take out your scythe and walk along the
beam on the litter box while using your scythe. Pick up the metal detector when you get it.
The Briefcase
Return to the middle level and enter the door in the right. Go to the kitchen upon entering the
VIP Lounge. Pick up the Turkey Baster in the corner. Open the doors of the cupboard and the waiter will come in. Close the doors on him when he goes inside the cupboard, and lock it with your scythe.
Glottis will soon come in, looking for more wine. He will drink from the keg. When you return
inside, climb the ladder and cut a hole in the top of the keg with the can opener. Get inside.
Glottis will come inside and will free the waiter. The keg being empty, the Lounge will need a
new one from the cellar. You will awaken in the cellar.
Get on the forklift and drive into the elevator. Position it so that it faces the door. Press the
elevator button for it to move, and quickly get on the forklift. Press the directional buttons
going towards the door, and the hidden level will catch the forks in it. Get off the forklift and use
the level on the other side of the forklift. Run down the long passage and pick up the suitcase.Manny will open the suitcase, only to find hundreds of golden Number Nine tickets. He will
take the suitcase down to Charlie, but Charlie will be packing a sproutella gun. He will give you your union card, however.
Become a Limbo crew
Next, you'll have to eliminate Naranja from boarding the Limbo in the morning, so we'll get to
work on that. Go to the Blue Casket and go to the back. Talk to Lola and then Olivia, who will be with Nick, cheating on Max, her boyfriend. Enter the kitchen and use the turkey baster on the
sink of dirty hookah water. Exit the kitchen and go to the table on the bottom right of the screen. Show them Salvador's letter and pick up the book when they're done talking.
Go to Toto's Tattoo palace, which is at the end of the tracks near the entrance to the Cat Track. Naranja will be inside getting a tattoo done. Walk behind the chair and to where the bed is.
Open the refrigerator and then open the lettuce crisper. Quickly run around to the front and wait
for Naranja to look away so you can use the turkey baster on Naranja's bottle of alcohol. He will get knocked out.
Toto will call Velasco and tell him about Naranja, making sure to sober him up. Look at the
sleeping body of Naranja and look at it. Pick up the dog tag, which he is wearing.
Go to the morgue (Top level of town, first building you come to. Talk to Membrillo for a while and, when you're done, toss Naranja's tag onto the rightmost body. Give Membrillo the metal detector and wait for him to find out that it is Naranja that has been sprouted.
Sea Bee Tools
Next, you'll need to find Glottis some Sea Bee Tools to work in the Limbo. Go to where the
unemployed Sea Bees are and show them the book you got off Salvador's admirers.
[Cut-Scene - 15: Terry starts a speech, inciting a strike for the Sea Bees. Chief Bogen arrests him.]
The Key to the Lighthouse
Go to the VIP Lounge and talk to Nick Virago. Ask him to be your lawyer until the option of
telling Maximino about Nick and Olivia comes up. Choose it and then stop talking to him. Pick
up the cigarette case, which Nick leaves on the table. Take it to Carla, who is in the small
building above the Cat Track. Show it to her and say you found it under her desk. She will think
it's a bomb and detonate it. A key appears from it. Go to the lighthouse, past the ensemble of
Sea Bees. Use the key to open the lighthouse door.
[Cut-Scene - 16: Lola is found, sprouted, by Manny. She says how she fell for
the wrong guys, and asked Manny to warn Olivia about Nick. She tells him to
find the photo of Olivia and Nick.]
The Photo
Go to Manny's cafe and show the tongue you got from Lola to Lupe. She will give you a jacket. Look at it without looking at anything else. You will get some paper from it. Take it to Toto. He
will give you a photograph of a race. Take it to the Cat Track. Open up the betting stub printer. Print out a ticket for Week, 2 Tuesday, Race 6. Give the ticket to the Photo Finish Window
guy and you will get the photo of Nick and Olivia.
The Lawyer
Go to Nick and show it to him and he will be your lawyer. If you go to the police station, you will
see one of the Sea Bees is in jail. Go to the Cat Track and talk to Nick about getting the Sea
Bee out of the slammer.
When it's done, go to Calavera's Cafe and go to Manny's office. Use the roulette system. When the rightmost wheel comes up, press enter to use the magnet.
[Cut-Scene - 17: Chief Bogen will get mad that he didn't win and will raid and close
down Manny's casino. Glottis will be tossed out from the Cat Track, and Manny tells
him about his new job. Valesco then lets Manny and Glottis board, letting Glottis do
what he likes to the engine. Here, the turn of the year happens.]
Year 3
[Cut-Scene - 17 (Part 2): One year on, Manny is the captain of the Limbo. They are just arriving at Puerto Zapato. Manny agrees to let custom officials on board, but just after
he orders them to board, a message from Salvador Limones arrives, telling him that
the custom officials are assassins.]
You will soon take command of Manny again. Go back indoors. Soon enough you will see one of your crew having been sprouted. Continue on and go down the ladder. Soon enough, more
"custom officials" will come along. Glottis will pull you into the engine room just in time. You'll be safe in there for the time.
Escape from the ''Custom Officials''
Raise the starboard anchor. Go to the controls and press the right directional button. Lower the starboard anchor and raise it again. If you look out the window, the two anchors should be
joined together. Use your scythe with the anchors. Next, raise the port anchor. Then Reverse the ship.
[Cut-Scene - 18: The anchors cleave a hole all the way around the ship. Glottis
and Manny hang on, but soon enough the ship sinks. Manny and Glottis are
dragged down (willingly) with the ship.]
The Pearl
Glottis will have trouble breathing, but will soon cop on that he can live for a little while without
oxygen. Wait for Chapito to come nearby, and say, "Well, I don't want to break your stride," to
him when you speak to him. Grab his torch, and drag it near Glottis. He will pick it up, and
eventually you will find your way to the Pearl.
There will be an octopus there. He will scoop up some nearby people andtake them inside his
submarine. You cannot go near it, as it is looking at Manny, Glottis and Chapito. Run along the edge of the shelf to where the rock is. Run by the rock and Chapito will get stuck to some
[Cut-Scene - 19: Manny and Glottis will run off, leaving Chapito alone. He gets taken
into the submarine by the octopus, while Manny and Glottis hitch a ride on the back of
it. You will soon arrive at the Edge of the World.]
Enter the building through the door ahead. Run along the path to the right and
enter the room. Enter the next room and you will find Meche.
[Cut-Scene - 20: Meche is inside the office, and Manny will talk to her for a while,
eventually slapping Manny for suggesting she is with Domino. Domino will soon come in, and talk to Manny, explaining the plot a bit more. Glottis will then come in and
Dom will have him be sucked through a pipe and thrown off the edge of the world, into almost certain death.]
Finding a gun
When you regain control of Manny, he will be in an office with some kids with wings. Angelitos,
they are. Talk to the Angelitos for a little while until the boy chucks a tiny hammer at you. Then
tell them to get back to work. Pick up the hammer and enter Meche's office. You see the
cigarette ashtray. You will notice that Meche will ash her cigarette every so often. Time it so that Manny ashes his cigarette at the same time she does. When you get it right,
[Cut-Scene - 21: Meche will take off her stockings, as they have been burned.]
Go to the bin and pick up the stockings. Enter Domino's office and talk to him for a while to
explain some more of the plot. Return outside. Walk to the left and off screen. Talk to Chapito
for a while and then give him the little hammer. He gives you his Bust-All chisel. Give him
Meche's stockings and he will give you a gun. Return to where Meche is and give her the gun.
[Cut-Scene - 22: Meche will take a sproutella bullet out of her hat and will point the
sproutella gun at Manny. She brings Manny into Dom's office and threatens to shoot
Manny if Domino doesn't let the children go. He refuses, and then tells her that Manny doesn't work for him. She threatens to shoot Domino, but he grabs her and puts her in "The Cooler".]
Taking Meche out from the cooler
Leave the office and head down the hall until you get to a safe-like door. Use the Bust-All with
the door. A circuit will explode and some gold-coloured tumblers will appear.
This part is pretty tricky, so be careful.
You notice when you turn the wheel, the tumblers move. You start with the bottom one, and
when each tumbler turns a full revolution, the next one above it starts spinning also. Turn the
wheel to the left, get it so that all tumblers are moving and then get the topmost one to have the
flat side facing away from the wheel and towards the lock. Now, turn the wheel to the right and
get the third tumbler (from the bottom) in line with the fourth tumbler. Turn the wheel to left again and line of the second tumbler, and finally the first. When this is done, use your scythe with the
tumblers. Then, pull the lever and the door should open. Go inside.
Close the door and use your scythe with the plate behind the door. The secret room will open, freeing Meche. Although, Manny has closed the door and therefore neither can escape through it. Enter the secret room and look in the cases to reveal Double-N tickets. Once the sequence
is complete return to the main room. You see the axe next to the knight? Drag it into the secret
room and drop it on the white tile that looks a bit out of place next to the others. A hole will open up. Drop through it, though you cannot take the cases.
Finding a boat to escape
Meche, the two Angelitos and yourself will land on the grass outside the factory. You will need a boat to escape from the island, which Manny then goes to work on. Come into the foreground
and onto the next screen. Go up the one of he paths on either side of the grinder-things. Climb
up the ladder and you will find yourself in a crane. Lower the crane's claw and go to where the
claw is on the beach. Use the Bust-All on the chain and you will destroy half of the crane. Raise
the crane again, drop it, and then raise it again to destroy the grinder-things. Go to the left side of the rock, lower the crane and get off it. Climb down the conveyer belt and get off at the
bottom. Switch the lever so that the chain is sucked down the conveyor belt. Run down the
conveyor belt and onto the next screen. Climb down the rod and you will find yourself next to a
Climb onto the boat and you will find Glottis, alive. He will be working on the boat. Return to the screen with the conveyer belt and the lever. Flick the level twice so that it gets caught up in the
side. Return to the crane and lift the boat out of the water.
[Cut-Scene - 23: Glottis will come out of the water, the SS Lamacha behind
Meche and the Angelitos will get on the boat and start sailing away.
[Cut-Scene - 24: Domino will see the smoke coming from Manny's boat and will
then get mad. In the midst of interrupting an almost-romantic scene between
Manny and Mercedes, Domino and his octopus will follow the boat on his sub.
Manny goes to challenge Domino.]
Take out your scythe. Since you can't beat Domino by attacking him, use the scythe on the
octopus' eye.
[Cut-Scene - 25: Dom knocks Manny to the ground and taunts him at how he's
better than him. Soon enough he gets caught up in Glottis's grinder-things,
signally his demise.]
Year 4
[Cut-Scene - 25: One year on, Manny, Glottis, Meche and some others are hiking
towards the end of the journey, coming to the land of eternal rest. Glottis will soon
moan and fall off the edge of the stone stair.]
New Fuel
Go find him down the stairs and straight ahead, inside the demon workshop. He is sick after
not driving for months. Talk to him, and soon enough he will draw blueprints on the wall for his
final work - a rocket car. He mentions you need the right fuel for it to work before becoming
unconscious. Leave and go down the long stairway. Open the coffin that lies upon the ground.
Inside will be Bruno, one of Manny's clients, if you remember correctly. He will throw a
mug at you. Return to Glottis and enter the kitchen below where he lies. Place the mug on one
of the rungs of the mug holder. Take a rag from the drawer and return to the main room. Use
the rag with the oil container. Return inside and put the rag in the toaster. You have your new
[Cut-Scene - 27: The demons will create the rocket-car for Glottis, and strap him on top, while Meche and Manny stay in the gondola below. During the journey, Glottis awakes and becomes scared. He knocks over the gondola. Luckily, you guys were just arriving at Rubacava]
Disarming the dynamite
Meche, Glottis and yourself then arrive in Rubacava, soon finding that the hot rod is booby
trapped and rigged with explosives. Go to the docks to where the port is, and you will find the
Sea Captain there. He will leave once you mention the Lamacha. Pick up the bottle of the
Lumbago he was working on and take it to the Blue Casket. Go to the kitchen and fill the bottle up from the keg. Take it to Glottis. Just after you leave the kitchen, however, Olivia will see you and request to come to El Marrow. Go to the docks, and have Glottis drink the liquid in the
bottle. When he returns from the Blue Casket, go to Toto's Tattoo place. Open the cabinet on
the wall and take out the liquid nitrogen. Go to the car and talk to Glottis. When he pukes all
over the place, use the liquid nitrogen to freeze it. Run across the ice and disarm the dynamite.
[Cut-Scene: Glottis, Olivia, Meche and Glottis race back to El Marrow.]
After parking the Bone Wagon on the edge of town, members of the LSA surround the
company and are taken to the LSA hideout. Salvador Limones enters the room and welcomes Manny. He will show you the monitor on which is showing the LSA's spies in Hector's lab. Pick up the hand on the sprouted soldier's body. Pick up the photo from the litterbin. Give the note
you received back at the gate of the Ninth Underworld to the bird. Show him the photo you got
from the trash and it will fly off to Hector's florist.
[Cut-Scene - 28: A larger bird will swallow the pigeon when it lands on the still. The
florist will come over and look at the note stuck upon the bird. He will go partially insane and will run off.]
Disguise Manny
Go to the sewer system and take the remote off Glottis. Climb up the ladder to the left, and then up the next ladder further down the screen. Pick up the coffee pot and give the two actors
coffee. Climb up the ladder next to them. Pour coffee on them from the platform and they will run off. Climb back down and put the coffee pot back. Return up the ladder. Put the skeleton hand
in the grinder and then pick it up. Return down the ladder and enter the room with the make-up artists inside. You will now have a disguise. Return to where Glottis and the Bone Wagon are.
Hector's casino
Leave and go to Hector's casino. Talk to the guy in the trench coat twice. Talk to the girl next to Charlie a couple times until she realizes it is you, Manny. Throw the sheet on Charlie and then
talk to the guy in the coat about breaking the other machine. Charlie will go to the bathroom and change. Enter the bathroom and you will get a change of clothes. Return to where the Bone
Wagon is.
The crocodile
Walk behind the Bone Wagon and go to the pipe on the right side. Grind some of the arm
in the pipe until Manny will use it to help him go through it. When the crocodile appears, drive
the Bone Wagon forward as far as you can.
Take out the remote control and put the Bone Wagon on its legs. Jump off the Bone Wagon to
the ledge nearby and try to climb down the ladder. Quickly climb back up when the crocodile
spins around. Use the remote control to drop the Bone Wagon on its tail. Climb down the
ladder and go to Bowlsley's shop. Enter and use your scythe with the ball-thing above the door. Leave and come back in.
Talk to Bowlsly and ask him for a gun and some bullets. Pick up the bullets and be on your way (To the casino).
Meet Hector Le Mans
Go to the red demon guarding the elevator. Talk to him and ask him to use the elevator. When
he tells you that you must answer a number-based question, select the last number to be
displayed on the electronic board behind him. He will let you use the elevator and you will
arrive on Hector's floor. Celso Flores and his wife will be there, deciding whether or not to
purchase Double N Tickets from Hector LeMans. Talk to them until they agree to buy them and
they will go inside Hector's office to buy the tickets. Hector tells Manny to wait around.
[Cut-Scene - 29: Hector LeMans takes Manny to the Department of Dead and to his
own office. Manny points a gun at Hector when he is shown the Double N tickets. A
bird flies through the window in the office, and Manny shoots wildly at it. Hector uses
this momentary lack of concentrating and escapes via the sign on the top of the
building. He falls off the roof, though.]
Case of Double N tickets
When he has escaped over the roof and messed up the motor of the sign, climb up
to the roof yourself. Get on the ledge and use the hand-grinding implement on
the crack in the stole gargoyle. Use the sproutella pellet with the bone flakes
and pick up the case of Double N tickets.
[Cut-Scene - 30: Manny sends Meche back to the gate of the Underworld with the case of Double N tickets. A bird along the way attacks her and Olivia picks Manny up in
Salvador's car. Along the way Manny asks why there was no cover, and Olivia shows Manny Salvador's head.]
The Grennhouse
You will arrive at a greenhouse. Walk up to the greenhouse and you will find Hector inside.
[Cut-Scene - 31: Hector LeMans talks to Manny for a little while, eventually
shooting him with slow-acting sproutella. Manny runs off, in terrible pain,
eventually collapsing on the meadows.]
Use the liquid nitrogen with the sprout and you will be saved while Manny thanks Toto in
Spanish. Return to the car and look in the back seat. Talk to Salvador, and soon enough Olivia will grab you from behind. Salvador will bite a suicide tooth, sprouting himself and Olivia. Open
the case of tickets on the ground and take your scythe. Salvador's Number Nine ticket will be
attracted to him. Pick it up and run around the side of the greenhouse to the back. Hold out
Salvador's ticket and walk around the area. After a while, the ticket should fall out of Manny's
hand and onto a body. Pick up the key off Salvador's body. Return to the car and open the trunk to get a sproutella gun and bullets. Go to the water pump nearby and shoot it with the sproutella gun.
[Cut-Scene - 32: Manny and Meche appear on the Number Nine train, handing over
all the tickets to the gate warden. Glottis will have to stay in the Land of
the Dead as a demon. Manny and Meche then ride the Number Nine train to the
Ninth Underworld, the Land of Eternal Rest together.]
See Also
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