Chapter 8: The Python's Belly
Artifact Location
Oracle Seeker's Offering can be found in the Tower of Delphi after connecting all three snakes. Go all the way down the spiral walkway to find it.
Artifact Location
Aletheia's Charm can be found in the Delphi Catacombs after climbing up the giant hourglass. It is directly behind the top of the hourglass.
Push the head statue into the notch straight ahead from the pressure pad. Now, go Medusa Beam yourself, and hop from the statue head to the chandelier. Use the grapple point to pull down the hourglass. Jump down the hole in the middle of the room.
After the cutscene, run along the crumbling pathway, trying to catch up to the old-now-young dude. Watch out for green grapple points, as they will be very important.
When this happens, run all the way to the front (towards the screen) so that you don't fall down the chasm. Towards the end of the fight, you will have the opportunity to grapple with him. Make sure your QTE fingers are ready to fly.
Get the Lightning of Zeus upgrade and then kill off the enemies in the room. Once clear, Zeus cracks open to reveal the passage you should now go down. Jump up to the top of the snake again, and go backwards to find red orb chests and a Phoenix Feather.
Now, advance forward and jump down to the blue snake. Go backwards to find a red orb chest and a Gorgon's Eye. Advance forward until you can slide through the blue snake. It's a quick
slide though, so be ready to jump at the end, then grapple the green point.
slide though, so be ready to jump at the end, then grapple the green point.
Once attached to the wall, climb up. Keep climbing, looking for the familiar snow-topped areas that you have to grab. Hey, this isn't Uncharted 2!
Keep climbing, then when you get the opportunity, jump to a green grapple point, then fling yourself to another one. You will have to do a QTE, but then you will slam through the wall and right into another slide. Slide down, then time it right to jump and swing on top of the snake. Kill off the enemies, then use the grapple point on the left to yank yourself to the red snake. Climb up, then use the grapple to unleash the clamp holding the red snake in place.
Watch out for the QTEs in the next cutscene. You will also have to have your grapple finger be ready, as you will need it. Once through the QTEs, smash the eggs and other enemies. Go forward to a short slide to jump then grapple. Now climb up until you are by a green/blue orb chest. Walk to the end of the platform, then double jump to the right.
Climb up this, then shimmy to the left along the long beam. Once at the end, jump, then grapple to the green grapple spot. Swing around, and time your jump to grapple onto the other green spot. (PROTIP: Keep R1 held down, and you will keep swinging).
Once to the other side, kill the enemies then use the green grapple point to pull you to the right. Climb up to find another grapple bar, so yank on it to free the final snake.
Chapter 9: Ice Caverns
Fight along the back of the snake now. Smash through the wood barriers if they are blocking your path. Kill all the enemies that pop up. Fight until there is a green grapple spot on the left.
Swing from there to another one to a third one, then back on to the snake. Keep killing the bugs that are now popping out. Fight until there is another green grapple point on the left. Swing, then run because the platforms are crumbling.
Swing on the green grapple point to get back to the snake. Now slide down the snake's innards. Jump when prompted, and keep sliding to get back on to the snake. Now kill the dog enemies that have popped up. AGAIN, another green grapple point to the left. Now climb as fast as you can, because these wooden beams are going down. Once all the way to the top left, jump again to land back on the snake
Kill the new enemies now until you get to a green grapple spot, but this time on the right. Jump from there to another grapple spot, swing around to get to a third, then jump to land on ice. Slide down the ice and jump at the end to land on the snake as it finally makes its way to the others.
This will fully power up the tower. Now, use the green grapple point on the wall to pull yourself over. Climb up and to the left to get back to the ladder.
Go down to find the Oracle Seeker's Offering. Go up the same way as before. At the top now is a new boss.
Dodge the first two attacks it makes, and it will land on the ground. Now, go beat it up. On the ground, he has two main attacks: the tail whip and the wing slap. The tail whip will cause a QTE recovery, and the wing slap will let him get back in the air. Repeat until he has the first grapple arc. This will yank his wing off.
Now take him out on the ground. With his wing missing, he will spew up a few minions. You can ignore them or kill them to fill up your Rage bar.
Dodge his attacks with the right stick during the red bar grapple finale. Once dead, yank the grapple point backwards again, except this time it actually works! Go forward and into the giant temple. Keep going forward through the double doors.
Chapter 10: The Temple Of Delphi
Right through the doors and you are attacked by a Cerberus. Beware of his area attacks, and dodge them when he is charging up. Once he and his spawns are dead, go to the sides to get the red orb chests, then pull the ramp back with the grapple spot.
Go up and to the left to find a strange "Medusa Beam." This apparently turns everything into rock or something, it's kind of vague. Once everything is stone, run all the way along the walkway to bash down the door and get a Gorgon's Eye and a Phoenix Feather.
Now, go into the beam again, and bash down the big door that is front and center. Continue forward and open the door to see a cutscene. You can now go two ways, up and to the left and up and to the right. First, go into the Medusa Beam, then run to the right and break down the door. If you go forward, enemies spawn so kill them off to open up the side rooms. The back room has a red orb chest in it so snag that. In the hallway, there is a statue that you can move, so push it into the front room.
There is a slot all the way on the right, so manuver the statue into there. Now, go into the Medusa Beam in this room. This causes a platform to drop onto the statue. Hop up on it, then contine forward to get to the chests in this room. You will find a Gorgon's Eye and a Phoenix Feather. Now, go all the way back out to the main room. Medusa Beam again, and go up and to the left. Smash down the door, and advance forward to spawn the enemies here. Kill them off, grab the statue in the hallway and move it into the front room. Put the statue on the center spot to raise and lower the gates. Now go into the Medusa Beam to turn everything into rock. Move the statue off of the center spot now, and go up to the gates. When things turn back to normal, quickly roll under the gates as they switch.
Now, grab the Phoenix Feather, Gorgon's Eye and red orbs. Head back to the hallway after pulling the lever, and go to the room at the end of the hall. Grab the red orb chest, then go into the Medusa Beam to have everything crumble. Jump down to the lower level. If you hurry fast enough, you'll be able to break the far door (on said lower level) before everything goes back to normal. You'll find another set of chests that contain a Phoenix Feather and a Gorgon Eye.
Chapter 11: Delphi Catacombs
Advance forward until you see a big purple wall. Go over and get the Soul of Hades upgrade, then kill all of the spawned enemies. The big wall opens up, so go through that.
You walk into a square room with a head of a statue on the ground. To towards the top of the area, and a statue comes to life. Fight it, and the second one will spring up too. Kill them both, then move the statue head over towards the ladder. Jump up top and on to the ladder.
After climbing up, go to the right, and yank a lever to lower the floor. Continue down this hallway to a spiked-floor room. Jump onto the chandelier right in front of you, and in the middle of it, a grapple arc will appear. Grapple on to it to yank the heads off the snake statues and get more Medusa Beam. This will cause everything to crumble, and open up a nice path to hop along. Go quickly, as the ground is still unstable. Halfway through, jump onto the other chandelier as it is raising back up to the ceiling.
Use the grapple bar on this chandelier again, and run up the ramp to the right. Jump and use the green grapple spot. Get ready to hit Square to break through the door. Once through, go back really quickly to grab the Phoenix Feather and Gorgon's Eye and the red orbs.
Now, advance forward again. Get to the Medusa beam in this new room, then go to the upper right corner. About halfway through the crumbling process, the gate will drop down, so get through it. Hell-Bats will pop up from below the floor, so kill them as they come. The next room doesn't need crumbling to get through, so keep going to get to some chests. This gate is locked though, so go back to the Medusa Beam, get in it, then jump across the crumbled floor to get through that last gate.
Run forward, and kill the two enemies. They spawn ghost monsters, but ignore them for the actual enemies. This will lower the gates. Step on the button on the floor, and one of the gates on the back end will get stuck. Go through that gate, get the chests, and yank the lever.
This will open up a Medusa Beam. Go in it, and a spot on the left side opens up. Go over there, and a grapple bar appears. Tear down a section of the wall, and climb up with the green grapple point. Jump up onto the chandelier, and use the grapple point to pull yourself over to the hourglass.
Jump past it to the throne, and you will find Aletheia's Charm.
Collect the orbs from the chests, then go to the left and pull the lever. This will open a door next to you. Go through that, and you are back in the room with the statue head. Drop down and kill the enemies that spawn. Climb back up the ladder, and go into the Medusa Beam. Drop down again, and move the statue head over to the bridge that fell down. This will act as an elevator to haul it back up.
Before using the gas, move the statue to the far door (the one that you can't open without using the gas) and jump on top of it. There is are two Red Orb Chests along with a white chest that contains a Phoenix Feather. Now, while in Medusa Beam mode again, smash the door directly opposite behind the Medusa Beam. Haul the Statue Head out here, and over to the cliff to drop it down to the floor below. Move it to the pressure pad in the center of the room to go down the hallway to the left. There is a Phoenix Feather down here as well as a note and some red orb chests. There is also a Gorgon Eye to the door on the right. After using the gas, head to the right side and break the door. Behind it, you will find a Red Orb Chest along with the Eye.
Chapter 12: The Oracle's Chamber
Keep running and jumping until you get to a slide section. Now, be prepared for multiple QTEs where you are only hitting X. After the quick cutscene, time to kill this guy. Oh boy, is this guy tough. He employs lots of tactics. Any time you see a green circle on the ground, that is a slow-time attack. You will act much slower while in a circle. Any time you see small rocks on the edge of the arena, grapple them to hurl at the guy.
He will also cause the arena to fall apart and come back together, so make sure you are always on solid ground. Sometimes, he will jump up on the pillars around the arena. When this happens, smash the pillars so that he falls to the ground. Most of the way through the battle, he will retreat to the very back, and completely encircle himself in green magic.
At the end of the fight, you will unlock the Quaid trophy as well as the Amulet of Uroborus.
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